18 serial #s

1918: body style model serial #s

7 pass. phaeton J 1-39999

rt. hand drive 7 pass. ph. J 40000-41999

4 pass. phaeton J 45000-48999

rt. hand drive 4 pass. ph. J 49000-49999

runabout landau J 54000-55499

rt. hand drive runabout l. J 55500-55999

cabriolet J 60000-64999

rt. hand drive cabriolet J 65000-65999

2 door tr. sedan J 70000-74999

rt. hand dr. 2 dr. tr. sd. J 79000-79499

4 door touring sedan J 75000-75999

" " " sd. limo J 80000-80999

rt. hand drive limousine J 84000-84099

limousine 4J 81000-81999

rt. hand drive limousine 4J 84100-84199

touring limousine 4J 82000-82999

rt. hand drive tr. limo 4J 84500-84999

landau limousine J 85000-85999

rt. hand drive landau limo J 86000-86999

landau limousine 4J 87000-87999

rt. hand drive landau limo 4J 88000-88099

town car J 90000-90999

rt. hand drive town car J 91000-91999

town car 4J 92000-92999

rt. hand drive town car 4J 93000-93999

landau town car J 95000-95499

rt. hand dr. landau town car J 96000-96499

town car J 95500-95999

rt. hand dr. landau town car J 96500-96999

full folding landau 4J 97000-97999

That ought to keep you confused for a while, LOL, but thought as

since we're getting a lot of overseas visitors, all the rt. hand

drive serial #s might help them. More later -
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