Re: [HSS] Super Six serial #s for 16 & 17

In a sense, Pete is correct that the Model H

Super-Six was a 1917 model, as the factory itself

designated - see Butlers "History of Hudson" pp


However, to keep things on an even keel the

Model G Six-40 was a hold over from 1915 - it was

intro'd around July 1915 and production ceased

with the intro of the Hudson Super-Six Model H in

January 1916. Thus many states registered these

"1917" models as 1916 models.

It makes far more sense to consider the Model H

as a 1916, the Model J/4J as 1917 and Model M as

1918 - and this I have done in my Handbook of

General Specifications. But doing it this way it

elimates the question - "Do I have a 1916 or 1917

model?" - and brings the Model H Super-Six into

line with most original state registrations.

Alex Burr

--- Pete Booz <> wrote:
> As, especially for the early models, serial

> numbers are quite

> confusing, since done by body style not w.b. or

> model year, thought

> I'd post them for those of you who may not have

> them:


> 1916: body style model serial #s

> phaeton 40 G10001-G29000

> roadster 40 G30001-G32000

> cabriolet 40 G33001-G35000

> limousine 40 G35001-G36000

> town car 40 G36901-G37000

> coupe 40 G37001-G38000

> touring sedan40 G38001-G39000


> 1917: phaeton H H1 - H56999

> roadster H H64000-H67999

> cabriolet H H71000-H81999

> limousine H H86000-H87499

> landau limo. H H87500-H87999

> town car H H88000-H89499

> landaulet town car H H89500-H89999

> touring sedan H H90000-H99999





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