1920 serial #s
This is to replace message #643 which had several errors in it.
body style model serial #s
7 pass. phaeton O 5000-39999
rt. hand drive 7 " O 40000-41999
4 pass. " O 42000-48999
rt. hand drive 4 " O 49000-49999
4 pass. coupe O 58000-58999
rt. hand drive " O 58900-58999
cabriolet O 60000-64999
rt. hand drive " O 65000-65999
sedan O 75000-79499
rt. hand drive sedan O 79500-79999
limousine O 80000-80199
rt. hand drive " O 49000-49999
runabout landau O 54000-55499
rt. hand drive " " O 80200-80299
touring limousine O 82000-82999
rt. hand drive " " O 83000-83199
town car O 90000-90799
rt. hand drive town car O 90800-90999
body style model serial #s
7 pass. phaeton O 5000-39999
rt. hand drive 7 " O 40000-41999
4 pass. " O 42000-48999
rt. hand drive 4 " O 49000-49999
4 pass. coupe O 58000-58999
rt. hand drive " O 58900-58999
cabriolet O 60000-64999
rt. hand drive " O 65000-65999
sedan O 75000-79499
rt. hand drive sedan O 79500-79999
limousine O 80000-80199
rt. hand drive " O 49000-49999
runabout landau O 54000-55499
rt. hand drive " " O 80200-80299
touring limousine O 82000-82999
rt. hand drive " " O 83000-83199
town car O 90000-90799
rt. hand drive town car O 90800-90999
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