Re: [HSS] Information Freely Given

I'd be very disappointed if Pete left our group. Maybe if folks have a

disagreement about something they should conduct the discussion externally to

the egroup facility.

For my money - and I paid at least as much as Tom did - the information that we

see passing between us is incredibly valuable. That some of it may be

incorrect is part of the old car game, I believe. Seems to me that whenever you

put your faith in a single source you're in risky territory and when two sources

conflict it could mean that nobody's right!

For example, I have seen some references to the Walton cars (c.1917 Hudsons with

Walton bodies). One says that only one car was built, another suggests that

quite a few were built and sold over several years. What's the real story?

But life's too short to get in a big lather about this stuff!


Peter R.

"Tom Goodman" <> on 05/07/2000 14:36:06

Please respond to


cc: (bcc: Peter Ransom/Australia/Indus/AU)

Subject: [HSS] Information Freely Given

is exactly that: "Free" and worth every cent one pays for it. I for

one, have no quarrel with someone posting information to the best of

his/her knowledge and even defending it. If I am interested enough

in what is posted, I will simply consider it as "grist for the


Pete, thanks for posting information and even more thanks for

posting "free" information. I am sorta new here but, since I paid

the same dues as everybody else, I feel empowered to have an opinion

and that was it. Anything that I have or develop is available for

the asking and, again, "worth every cent" and I am not ego invested

enough to think that I never can or will make a mistake and that any

mistake I might make is not worth mentioning.....although I think I

might have made a mistake only once when I thought I was wrong.

Tom Goodman


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