Re: [HSS] Oil pump springs

----- Original Message -----

From: <>

To: <>

Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2000 11:07 PM

Subject: [HSS] Oil pump springs

> Hi Paul-, Everyone, I got the springs yesterday, they look great. I

> need to explain my explaination of my spring breaking! I was talking

> about the small spring that goes under the cap screw at the top of the

> pump. It sets in a cup shaped plunger. You probably wondered what the

> H--- is this guy talking about. Where would I get one of these

> springs? Thanks Gene

> Gene

The spring that sits in the cup, is a very light compression spring 3/8

Dia.x11/2 long.About .025 wire thickness and 1/8 to 3/16 gap between coils.

Make sure the cup that sits on top of the ball, moves freely in the pump

body, no burrs etc.

You should be able to get one at an Auto supply store.



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