Like a Phoenix
rising from the ashes, my starter switch is again functional. Thanks
to Pete and Geoff for their words of encouragement and wisdom. The
real problem was one in my own mind where I was trying to make it
more complex than necessary. After I got enough parts to re-assemble
it, it turned out that the two short screws that hold the switch
proper down into the tray were the most difficult to get back in. I
must have spent an hour working on starting them and re-alining the
whole mess. Thanks again and only time will tell if the fix is semi-
to Pete and Geoff for their words of encouragement and wisdom. The
real problem was one in my own mind where I was trying to make it
more complex than necessary. After I got enough parts to re-assemble
it, it turned out that the two short screws that hold the switch
proper down into the tray were the most difficult to get back in. I
must have spent an hour working on starting them and re-alining the
whole mess. Thanks again and only time will tell if the fix is semi-
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