could be a good buy?
Ad just out in OCW:
"1924 Hudson 2-dr. Super Six Coach, 1-owner, unrestored, 31 K, 6
cyl., 3-speed on floor, always stored inside, orig. Mo. title, runs
good, $5,250. - - - Can deliver. 618-635-7056, Ill." or at www. There's a photo of the car; it's sitting on
it's rims so has no tires.
"1924 Hudson 2-dr. Super Six Coach, 1-owner, unrestored, 31 K, 6
cyl., 3-speed on floor, always stored inside, orig. Mo. title, runs
good, $5,250. - - - Can deliver. 618-635-7056, Ill." or at www. There's a photo of the car; it's sitting on
it's rims so has no tires.
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