long w.b. 29 H 7-pass. sd.
Had a guy call me who is working on subject car, in Fresno, Calif.
area - didn't know it existed. Will try to get serial # for Pete W.
Been trying to find a rear end for it for 6 mo's. I have an NOS ring
gear & pinion that I was told was for the '29 when I bought it 10
yrs. ago, but when took out of box today, find it is for a '27-8.
Going to call Carl Weber to see if will fit in '29; all I can tell
from the Parts Lists are that the ratios are slightly different & so
are parts #s.
area - didn't know it existed. Will try to get serial # for Pete W.
Been trying to find a rear end for it for 6 mo's. I have an NOS ring
gear & pinion that I was told was for the '29 when I bought it 10
yrs. ago, but when took out of box today, find it is for a '27-8.
Going to call Carl Weber to see if will fit in '29; all I can tell
from the Parts Lists are that the ratios are slightly different & so
are parts #s.
This discussion has been closed.
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