Info for Members List
Paul - I forgot to (add that I'm on your list as - which is the name of the wedding hire company
I've set up. Could you fill in the blank on "Members" with my name
etc Anthony O'Brien, 23 Danylan Road, Maesycoed, Pontypridd, Wales,
United Kingdom, CF37 1ES? (Pontypridd is where Tom Jones hails
from). Many thanks. PS. I am proud to own a 1928 Hudson Super Six. - which is the name of the wedding hire company
I've set up. Could you fill in the blank on "Members" with my name
etc Anthony O'Brien, 23 Danylan Road, Maesycoed, Pontypridd, Wales,
United Kingdom, CF37 1ES? (Pontypridd is where Tom Jones hails
from). Many thanks. PS. I am proud to own a 1928 Hudson Super Six.
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