Hershey Meet
Lew (and anyone else interested)
I will be at both Hershey and Carlisle this fall at Carlisle I will
be working at IF-89 , and at Hershey I will be at CF-65. Do not Know
where either space is as I have never been to PA.
However it is "Bobs Automobilia" and I believe they have a blue "easy-up"
in front of a 22 foot grey or silver van trailer ( I have not seen the
trailer in 4 years so I am fuzzy about the color etc) I will probobly
be quite busy at hershey... and kicked back at carlisle (hint hint)
I will be at both Hershey and Carlisle this fall at Carlisle I will
be working at IF-89 , and at Hershey I will be at CF-65. Do not Know
where either space is as I have never been to PA.
However it is "Bobs Automobilia" and I believe they have a blue "easy-up"
in front of a 22 foot grey or silver van trailer ( I have not seen the
trailer in 4 years so I am fuzzy about the color etc) I will probobly
be quite busy at hershey... and kicked back at carlisle (hint hint)
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