Just got 16th order for one of the manuals from guy who noticed me
mentioning it in ad I ran in last WTN.
His name is Dale Anhalt, think he lives in Wisc., & just bought a '28
H coach with '29 engine. He's have serious cooling & rad. problems &
thinks he's got a blown headgasket.
Got no more $ in todays mail so so far have received payment from
only 2 people; once I receive payment from at least 10 of you will go
to Kinkos.
mentioning it in ad I ran in last WTN.
His name is Dale Anhalt, think he lives in Wisc., & just bought a '28
H coach with '29 engine. He's have serious cooling & rad. problems &
thinks he's got a blown headgasket.
Got no more $ in todays mail so so far have received payment from
only 2 people; once I receive payment from at least 10 of you will go
to Kinkos.
This discussion has been closed.
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