Guys - got 4 more checks, pd. count up to 6 now; DJ sent me cash.
One of the Englishman thought he might do that & save $5-10 in bank
charges; I think you could change English pounds or Aus. dollars for
U.S. dollars without a charge if you'd prefer (makes no diff. to me,
just putting $ into our checking acct., when get them run, give
Kinkos a check from our acct. & hope rest of you go thru with order).
One of the Englishman thought he might do that & save $5-10 in bank
charges; I think you could change English pounds or Aus. dollars for
U.S. dollars without a charge if you'd prefer (makes no diff. to me,
just putting $ into our checking acct., when get them run, give
Kinkos a check from our acct. & hope rest of you go thru with order).
This discussion has been closed.
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