Don Butler
Last month there was some discussion as to where Don Butler
was and if he was still alive. Butler wrote a great book
about HUDSONS that lists Super Six as a 1917 model built in
1916 and the 1916 model as the 6-40.
I just bought another book by Butler called Auburn, Cord,
Duesenberg published in 1992. In the back it states that
Don Butler did not live to see this book published as he
passes away on Feb 19,1991 - one month shy of his 80th
birthday. So as Joe Friday says, those are just the facts.
was and if he was still alive. Butler wrote a great book
about HUDSONS that lists Super Six as a 1917 model built in
1916 and the 1916 model as the 6-40.
I just bought another book by Butler called Auburn, Cord,
Duesenberg published in 1992. In the back it states that
Don Butler did not live to see this book published as he
passes away on Feb 19,1991 - one month shy of his 80th
birthday. So as Joe Friday says, those are just the facts.
This discussion has been closed.
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