in re message 850
another update - have had 20 people via tele. calls, snail mail, or e-
mail who say they want/wanted a copy of the Service Manual (found
some more, '27 H & E paint & upholstery options in another book,
Xeroxed it yesterday & have inc. it into what I already had).
As of today however only 10 people have sent their $ to pay for a
copy so will wait 'til next week before having it duplicated.
mail who say they want/wanted a copy of the Service Manual (found
some more, '27 H & E paint & upholstery options in another book,
Xeroxed it yesterday & have inc. it into what I already had).
As of today however only 10 people have sent their $ to pay for a
copy so will wait 'til next week before having it duplicated.
This discussion has been closed.
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