26 2 door coach headliner
Ok guys.. I need help (as usual)
I am replacing the top wood on my in preperation for putting a new top on
it, and I noticed a "shelf" on the inside of the wood with the remains of
tack holes in it, and this is the cause of my questions.
1. is the headliner nailed to this shelf?
2. if so I assume that the top fabric cannot be installed until after the
headliner is in?
as this shelf is not accessable once the top material is in place.
( My car had no headliner or much else on the interior when I got it)
3. what color is closest to correct a, taupe or b, grey. These are the
two colors I can get a headliner made in without too much effort.
thanks Bill
I am replacing the top wood on my in preperation for putting a new top on
it, and I noticed a "shelf" on the inside of the wood with the remains of
tack holes in it, and this is the cause of my questions.
1. is the headliner nailed to this shelf?
2. if so I assume that the top fabric cannot be installed until after the
headliner is in?
as this shelf is not accessable once the top material is in place.
( My car had no headliner or much else on the interior when I got it)
3. what color is closest to correct a, taupe or b, grey. These are the
two colors I can get a headliner made in without too much effort.
thanks Bill
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