Didn know his own strength!


I have previously commented that the steering on my '28 Hudson is very

heavy - well the other day I was moving the car out of the garage, and the

steering seemed particularly heavy, and... the steering wheel hub casting

shattered into several pieces!

It certainly doesn't look to be very good casting, but I couldn't believe

it would break! Before the failure I had noticed that had been some free

play between the hub and the shaft.

I have clearly got a serious problem with the steering, and I think that I

will have to strip down the wheel swivel joints etc, because the steering

is light when the wheels are off the ground. It has occurred to me that the

swivel bushes may have congealed grease in them, hence the stiffness, or

then again there may be a problem with the steering box.

In the meantime can anyone help me in finding a new steering wheel hub?

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