Hubcaps R us or Whose got the right ones?????
This is what I have found so far from parts books.
Jan 1924 - Dec 1926 Front caps BZ 16270
July 1927 - June 1928 Front caps BZ 29075
Jan 1929 Front caps BZ 31104
So does anyone have any pictures to go with these
parts numbers?
What I am thinking is that the 16270's are Super Six and
may have changed when the 1927 models came out.
Jan 1924 - Dec 1926 Front caps BZ 16270
July 1927 - June 1928 Front caps BZ 29075
Jan 1929 Front caps BZ 31104
So does anyone have any pictures to go with these
parts numbers?
What I am thinking is that the 16270's are Super Six and
may have changed when the 1927 models came out.
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