Service Manuals
Tom - OK, thanks for the feedback as wanted to make sure the boxes &
the way I'd taped them was adequate.
I mailed out 3 more Wed. & will mail out at least 3 more tomorrow as
went to the All-Calif. Meet Thurs. a.m. & just got back. I delivered
3 there; one guy took it home Thurs. night, read the whole thing &
was delighted with the info.
the way I'd taped them was adequate.
I mailed out 3 more Wed. & will mail out at least 3 more tomorrow as
went to the All-Calif. Meet Thurs. a.m. & just got back. I delivered
3 there; one guy took it home Thurs. night, read the whole thing &
was delighted with the info.
This discussion has been closed.
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