arrival of 26-9 Service Manuals (?)
Guys - so far I've only heard from one person, Tom, who has gotten
the manual; I finished shipping out the last of the ones sent book
rate in U.S. week before last & would assume you had them by now but
talked with Alex in chat room yesterday & he hadn't gotten it yet.
I would appreciate an e-mail or note in here when you get them as
getting a little concerned; think Tom got his in less than a week (he
lives in Colo., I in Calif., so not all that far).
the manual; I finished shipping out the last of the ones sent book
rate in U.S. week before last & would assume you had them by now but
talked with Alex in chat room yesterday & he hadn't gotten it yet.
I would appreciate an e-mail or note in here when you get them as
getting a little concerned; think Tom got his in less than a week (he
lives in Colo., I in Calif., so not all that far).
This discussion has been closed.
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