For Sale: 1929 Essex Super Six Roadster
This is Meritt Marks' 1929 Roadster which is shown in this months
White Triangle News. I don't think I need to say it, but it really
is a rare car.
The car is is in fine condition along with many spare parts and
manuals, including a second engine (the original), and I believe a
second transmission/back axel and more.
I can be contacted via E-mail or I will be at Hershey from Wednesday
thru Friday and leave information at the H.E.T. stand, or stop by
Blue field BF-32.
White Triangle News. I don't think I need to say it, but it really
is a rare car.
The car is is in fine condition along with many spare parts and
manuals, including a second engine (the original), and I believe a
second transmission/back axel and more.
I can be contacted via E-mail or I will be at Hershey from Wednesday
thru Friday and leave information at the H.E.T. stand, or stop by
Blue field BF-32.
This discussion has been closed.
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