Re: Hudson carb.

Peter- Just got off the phone with The Carb Shop in Missouri, I talked

with John (the owner) and he seems quite knowledgeable. He says he has

three of the Hudson carbs in stock, and four of the Essex in stock.

They were made by the Detroit Lubricator Co. for Hudson, and very

simular to the S U carb used on many other makes. He can make up a carb

kit at a cost of $125.00 + $100.00 shipping. It would take about 6 - 10

weeks. The cost of the carb (as is) not a rebuild, would be (are you

sitting down) $800.00 + $200 to $300 shipping each. Sounds like an

expensive way to go ! He also mentioned that there were two

different versions of both the Hudson and the Essex carbs, but couldn't

put his finger on what the they were, because he hasn't looked at them

in years. He would have to compare them to what you have.

I will keep a eye out for some less expensive carbs for you. It would

seem that within our group we would be able to come up with the carbs

you need without mortgaging your home. I hope this info helps. Let me

know if I can do more.
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