Re: [HSS] RE: Delco Electrical Systems (Peter Ransom)

Tom, thanks for this research. At present I haven't got a copy of Dykes but

they turn up fairly regularly at swap meets - I declined a rough one last

weekend for about US$30. Not so sure about "The Automobile Handbook" but as you

say, there are other publications of the era that will also cover this topic.

Pete Booz gave me some good information, too, so now I have no excuses!

Thanks again...........Peter R.

"Tom Goodman" <> on 14/10/2000 01:31:52

Please respond to


cc: (bcc: Peter Ransom/Australia/Indus/AU)

Subject: [HSS] RE: Delco Electrical Systems (Peter Ransom)

--- In, peter.ransom@i... wrote:



> Hi Pete,


> Work is starting now on my racer. The car is not specific to a

particular year,

> but the engine appears to be around 1921. The starter-generator has

been sent

> out to an auto electrician who has apparently done these before.


> However, I like to give providence some assistance where I can and

I noticed

> some months back that you have a Delco service manual covering the

early Super

> Six years. I couldn't quite work out how much coverage each item

is given, but

> I think that anything at all on setup of the starter-gen, in

particular, would

> be very useful. If the volume of material isn't prohibitive,

would you be able

> to scan and post it (somewhere)? No doubt others would find the


> worthwhile, too. Alternatively, I would be happy to send you some

US dollars

> for copying and postage.


> Your help would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks...........Peter R.

Peter, I took a look in some old books that I own and found quite a

bit of information dating back to the time at and just before 1920

pertaining to Delco MG sets. No real technical information such as

adjustment specs but a lot of prose, pictures and operational theory

and principles of the beasts...I found it fascinating. If you have

access the the following, I think they make good reading. If you

don't, I can make copies and send them to you if you like.... forget

the charge, I will do the copies at work. Here are a couple of


"The Automobile Handbook" by L. Elliot Brookes copyright 1918, pp.

585-606 (part of the Drake's series).

"Dykes Automobile Encyclopedia" by A.L. Dyke copyright 1924, pp. 383-

410 (Delco Electrical Systems with Page 397 specific to 1921 Model


They make good reading and give an insight into the often somewhat

arcane 1920's state-of-the-art in Electrical Engineering found on old


There are other books but I quit looking after I found these two

nuggets. Both books are, I believe, not very rare and, as a result,

not very expensive.


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