Re: [HSS] Stiff clutch on a 1919

Bill Dodd wrote:

> Took my friends 1919 touring for a 15 mile drive today...FUN.. lots of

> power...BUT

> I need wisdom on a clutch has one of the stiffest clutches I

> have ever driven. It takes a great deal of effort to push the pedal down.

> The clutch works smoothly but is too stiff

> The ex-owner said the clutch was light until the rebuilt engine was

> installed. (the clutch was not rebuilt..just re-installed according to the

> prior owner). Since I have been asked to help fix this problem....where

> do I start, what was most likley done wrong????


> Thanks for your help "Hudsonless Bill"



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Sounds like they must have stuffed something up! Have you checked for

strong spring on the pedal mechanism? Does the pedal move freely until

the freeplay is taken up? There are 8 internal springs which apply the

pressure to the plates, so if the clutch wasn't dismantled it can't be

these. Should be pretty obvious. Perhaps the throwout bearing collar

is binding on the shaft? Let's know how you get on,

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