Re: [HSS] Rubber Door Bumpers

Tom Goodman wrote:

> Challenge du jour: I need to find a few of the rubber bumpers that

> fit into the door post of my '28 Hudson. A simple piece, there are

> two on each door closing post and they keep the door tight and rattle-

> free (somewhat). I have looked around and have yet to find

> anything. Clues?


> Tom


> by the way, did any of you ever notice that when we post, we have a

> choice of language. I was going to try Swedish but I didn't....



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Tom, K-gap have the bumpers for Hudson-built bodies. For B $ S bodies,

I made my own out of a block of old tyre tread. Put it in the freezer

first, and then you can work it like wood while it is still frozen.

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