Kepich "Torpedo" Muffler

Attachments :
    A few weeks ago I ordered a "Torpedo" muffler from John Kepich at Kepich

    Exhaust, Inc. in Fort Meyer, FL. Kepich had run an add in the WTN under

    "Reproduction Parts." After talking to John on the phone, I opted for a

    stainless version and sent him a check. The cost was $240 plus shipping.

    This past Friday it arrived, but I'm not too sure it will do. Looking at

    the '26 Instruction Book, the chassis lube drawing shows a muffler with two

    straight taper ends and a small cylindrical center section. The Kepich

    muffler has domed ends like those shown in the '29 Instruction Book, but with

    some fancy little "dimples" added to the domes.

    The picture shown in the '26 book looks to be an older model, so maybe

    the muffler is older also. Can anybody say for sure?

    I have posted two pictures of the muffler to the Files section of the

    list home page, but due to the ruckus caused by the yahoo takeover, I have

    attached one to this post. Sorry if this causes anybody any problems!

    Paul O'Neil,

    Fullerton, California USA

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