Clutch Recorking

In a message dated 2/3/01 3:43:03 PM, writes:

<< > Also where can I get the buttons recorked??

***Doug Wildrick - can do these, or if you want to

pay postage to New Zealand, I can do them. This is a time-consuming

job, as there are over 300 corks, and each plate has to be trued, corks

inserted, dressed, and heat compressed. >>

Hudsonless Bill asked about recorking his clutch and Geoff gave the above

reply. I would like to add that the delay in shipping to and from NZ is not

as bad as it used to be. Geoff recorked one for me and had it to my front

door in a week and a half from go to whoa. I have spent the last several

weekends dinking around with minor fiddly bits and had I known for sure how

nice the job would come out, he could have taken more time with it.

I still owe Geoff my core and will ship it without fail (my hand is

sitting on a copy of the phantom '28 Service Manual) this very week. I

promise! I am going to use it one last time to check sizing on the clutch

tool, being spun up now and then I'm done with it, honest!

Paul O'Neil,

Fullerton, California USA

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