Re: [HSS] Re: Split Rims wrote:

> We are still working on the possibility of split rims, and costings

> look like working around $400 per rim. Is this going to be a

> deterrent? We need to know we can move them if we get them done, as

> otherwise we are going to be considerably out of pocket. Miminum

> number viable would around 100 to make it worthwhile, as the

> machinery has to be set up to make them. Feedback welcome.

> > Geoff


> Even at that price Geoff, you can still count me in for a set of 4

> Any other takers??


> Brett


At this stage the person arranging this is hassling with the L.T.S.A. to

get certification. Will keep you all posted on this. By the way,

this is N.Z.$400 per rim.

This discussion has been closed.