Longer Head Studs

Hudson used 1/2"-13 by 3 3/4" studs on the mid twenties Super Sixes.

While in most cases they are marginally long enough to do the job, few of

them are long enough to engage all of the threads on the nuts. Where there is

a bracket, like the coil bracket on the front of the motor, the nut may be

using only 1/4" of the stud, a sad fact which caused thread failure on my


I have been looking for longer studs. A full 4" would be fine, and 4 1/4"

where a bracket is to be fitted would be even better. The extra length would

even allow a thin washer, invisible to any viewer, but allowing for more even

torque readings to be fitted. The problem is that my sources say no-can-do, 3

3/4" is the biggest made and even those are special order. I did talk to a

fellow that was willing to have them made.

The price is speculative at this point, but $5. approx. was mentioned.

Hudson used 25 studs on the 24/25/26 Super Six motors. There MAY be some

economies of scale. Would anyone else be interested?

Paul O'Neil, Hudson29@aol.com

Fullerton, California USA

NEW email list for Hudson Super Six Cars, 1916-1929!


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