Re: [HSS] hood lace

In a message dated 3/13/01 6:47:19 PM, writes:

<< I am totqly confused as to what sizes of hood lace everyone is looking for


Bob's automobilia has the following

Flat lace

3/8 x 1/8 $ .70/ft

1/2 x 1/8 .80/ft

3/4 x 1/8 .90/ft

7/8 x 1/8 1.15/ft

1x 1/8 1.2/ft

channel lace

3/4 x 3/16 1.85/ft

7/8 x 3/16 1.90/ft

1 x 3/16 1.95/ft >>

Well, Semi-Hudsonless Bill, we have two problems. First, we aren't 100%

sure what lacing Hudson used for any given year and second, the prime

candidate to my mind for the 24/25/26 models is 7/8 x 3/16 flat, not

channeled for which I have yet to find a source. Those of us working on that

range of cars need to decide whether we are better off using the correct

looking but too thin 7/8 x 1/8 flat or the correctly dimensioned 7/8 x 3/16

channeled that will look wrong. Clear as mud?

Paul O'Neil,

Fullerton, California USA

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