Re: Rod Torque/Super Six Colors

In a message dated 3/17/01 4:45:41 AM, writes:

<< Do you know what the torque specs would be for

the rod bolts on my 17? >>

Not a clue! Can anyone else recommend a figure?

<< Also I Know that there was some discussion about

engine color for the 29, does anyone have any ideas about the color of

the 17 engine? Some of the black and white photos show the aluminum

crankcase to be unpainted, and some appear to be painted. >>

Another of the many unanswered questions of Super Six history. From what

I have gleaned over the years, the iron parts were painted black until some

time between late '26 and '28 when the iron bits were painted some sort of

green. Even the shade of green is open to question, some saying it is a

sickly lighter green like Pontiac uses, others holding that Hudson used a

darker shade. Chris Purdam in Utah thinks he has just the right color,

although I can't recall what it looked like at the moment.

While the preponderance of evidence points to unpainted crankcases, there

are some very good examples indicating that these too were painted black.

Wouldn't it be nice to bump into a batch of contemporary photos showing the

way Hudson built them?

I had a chat with Jack Smith about this and he inclined to natural metal

on the crankcase and a dark green on the ironmongry, so my '26 is a dark

Model A green over snowy AL. It is probably worth remembering that Jack is

not a stickler for originality, however. The best guess is that the cylinder

block and head on the '17 were likely painted black from the factory.

Paul O'Neil,

Fullerton, California USA

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