Re: [HSS] 28 Sport Roadster

In a message dated 3/29/01 6:06:18 PM, writes:

<< I'm inquiring about 28 Hudson Roadsters, The History of Hudson book says

the roadsters were designed by LeBaron and built by Biddle and Smart.

I remember Bob Coultier said that was incorrect. Do you (or if Bob C. is out

there) or someone else know who designed and built the 28 roadster body ?

Additionally do you know how many 28 roadsters are in existence ?

Bob Coultier, Dave K., Me, You, who else ?

I need the two above bits of information for the Great Race application.

Last question, How do I get into the files section ? Would like to look at

those bumpers, I' ve had a problem with the front wheels pivoting too far.

Mainly because I'm running a bigger wheel and tire than stock. >>

Well, the generally accepted wisdom says that the body was made by Biddle

and Smart. Who designed it is another question. Jeff Gould has a '28 Coupe

and when he and I laid the bodies next to each other, it was pretty obvious

that the entire rear body section of the Roadster was stock Hudson Coupe.

Biddle and Smart made the cowl and the doors and added the trim.

Some say the body might have been designed by Murphy, but I think it must

more likely that Hudson did it in-house or sent the bits to B/S and they

worked with what they were given.

I think Bob said there were 5 Roadsters in existence, one rumored to be

under a collapsed barn at a "secret" location and my project. Two more are

being built from Coupe bits. That makes a total population of something like


Getting to the "Files" section is easy IF you have established your yahoo

identity. Just go to the list main page, look on the left side at the

headings and click on "Files." You can also get your yahoo ID from the list

home page. Let me know if you need any help.

Paul O'Neil,

Fullerton, California USA

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