I Can Beleive I Did That . . .

Attachments :
    After the motor was installed and everybody went back home on Sunday, I

    decided to plod along reassembling the Hudson. Now I'm a big fellow, and

    sometimes have to squeeze into restricted areas. One of the items I was

    working on seemed easiest to get at from the interior of the car with the

    floorboards removed, so I bent over the runningboard and into the car from

    the right side through the open door. In the process of straining to reach

    out with a wrench, my head knocked the light switch on the dash and snapped

    the elegant pot metal handle off, ting!

    In shock, I went over and sat down for a while. I have never seen or

    heard of a mid twenties Hudson with both handles of that switch intact and I

    had always felt very lucky to have an intact example. Oh, I was CAREFUL of

    it, the cracks in the handle were quite evident and I always fingered it VERY

    gently. Now it was broken like every other example I know of.

    What now? Are these switches available anywhere? Hah! Does anybody make

    parts for them? Does somebody repair them? Is there some sort of glue that

    might hold the two bits of pot metal back together again?

    Paul O'Neil, Hudson29@aol.com

    Fullerton, California USA

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