
Based on some of the yabber here on the Super Six list a few weeks ago, I

bought from the local Vintage Ford store 3 quarts of "Vintique 600W Gear

Lubricant." Unlike 90W, this stuff is black rather than honey colored and has

next to no aroma.

The bottle says "Viscosity Approximately Equivalent To SAE 250." I

expected that this goo would flow like honey even if it didn't look like it,

but this was not the case. It pours out just about the same as 90W! What in

the world do they mean by the phrase about SAE 250? Isn't pourability the

same as viscosity?

I had been worried about getting this stuff in the gearbox, but with the

gearlever out, it was a very simple job with a plastic funnel. A '29 Hudson

box takes a touch over 2 quarts, incidentally.

Paul O'Neil, Hudson29@aol.com

Fullerton, California USA

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1926 Hudson Anderson Bodied Coupe

1926 Hudson Parts Car "The Grapes Of Wrath"

1928 Hudson Roadster Project

1929 Hudson Town Sedan

1939 Cadillac Coupe (How'd that get in there?)

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