Cross Shaft Collar

Attachments :
    My '26 engine has a '29 oil pump assembly which does not have the manual

    oil pump stroke control shaft sticking out of the side. The '29 unit has a

    depression in the side to anchor the cross shaft and the '29 shaft has a

    pinned collar next to the pedestal to trap the cross shaft. I used a two part

    bolt together 7/16" collar to do the same job and made a 5/16" brass

    extension to fit in the end of the shaft and ride in the depression in the

    oil pump. Next I need to find a short bushing with a 7/16" OD and a 5/16" ID

    to fit in the oil pump housing and support the shaft extension to make the

    job complete.

    The resulting assembly looks stock and will have the proper (non

    functional) oil pump control linkage as soon as I can locate the proper

    control rod. A pic is attached.

    Paul O'Neil,

    Fullerton, California USA

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