Re: [HSS] Oil Pump Control Rod wrote:

> Has anybody got an oil pump control rod to fit a '24/'25/'26 Hudson Super

> Six? Attached is a pic of the similar spark control rod. The oil pump rod is

> just the same but a bit longer to reach the bellcrank on the right side of

> the pic.


> Paul O'Neil,

> Fullerton, California USA


Can't help you with the oil control rod. However, on the '28 and '29

models they are not used, even though there is still the pedestal on the

crankcase with the two threaded holes. What I have done is mounted a

Step-down generator on these. All it entails is drilling one hole in

the generator mounting bracket, fitting a steel strap to one of the

timing cover bolts as a brace, and fitting the appropriate length fan

belt. The fan pulley is still the adjustment for belt tension. The

regulator mounts on the bulkhead and the wires go along the high-tension

wire tube, and hey-presto, you have a better generator set-up with

automatic charging rate. Okay, it's not original, but when your

original generator is burnt-out, what are the options? Any Step-Down

generator and regulator will fit here. However on the '29's with the

oil breather there is a slight clearance problem here, so you may have

to offset the mounting bracket to the outside slightly. It's

certainly easier to get than the original location tucked right in

behind the carburettor, and with the later generators capable of poking

out 45 amps you can fit more powerful headlamp bulbs without fear of

overloading. I use 55W Q-H bulbs in mine, and they are BRIGHT. Most

Chrysler gnerators and regulators and brackets are the same

incidentally. Just thought I'd pass that on in case anyone had

generator trouble.

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