Speedo Cable Repair Finished

Attachments :
    Thanks to the advice of my friend Neil, I whipped up a batch of stuff I

    call "Snot On A Doorknob" because it is so slippery. A smidgen of graphite

    was mixed with two plops of Vaseline and the resultant black oozy mess was

    slathered onto the inner cable which was then slipped into the outer cable. I

    was afraid there might be a snag where the outer cable was repaired but this

    proved not to be the case.

    It was easy to find the right position to install the cable into the

    transmission as I could see it, but the instrument end proved a different

    matter. I fooled with it for a while and then just screwed the collar down

    hoping it would find it's own home. The collar screwed all the way down

    without apparent distress, so maybe something is spring loaded and the cable

    end will pop into place on it's own. We shall see when the car is on the

    road! A pic of the repaired portion as it is installed is attached.

    Paul O'Neil, Hudson29@aol.com

    Fullerton, California USA

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