Casting Switch Handles

In a message dated 4/27/01 2:53:18 PM, writes:

<< Do you have anyone who can reproduce the switch arms for you? If not I

can get them done at the same foundry who did the steering wheel hubs.

This would entail sending them around the world and back however. >>

Thanks Geoff and John for your kind offers to help casting up the switch

handles, but I have decided to go another way. After a recommendation by Dave

Kostansek, I called Jere & Marge Verdone [Vc (717) 949-3341, FAX (717)

949-2782] in PA. They cast up small non-precision parts in stainless steel.

The parts are returned ready to install but for the machine work which they

do not do. In this case, that amounts to drilling and tapping the screw hole

on the back.

They polish the stainless and when done the finish looks very close the

original nickel finish. In this case, the handle were Butler finish and that

involves an extra step on their part, burnishing the polished part with #600


They run 5 to 8 WEEKS to do this so they are no speedballs, but I expect

the results will be worth the wait. The best part is the price. They need

only $45 ea for the handles ready to install but for the machine work. Nearly

worthless NOS would probably fetch more than that. After this job is done,

they will have the master available and can reproduce these parts for other

mid twenties Hudson owners without having to have an intact example to work


I'll post again with pics when the parts arrive.

Paul O'Neil,

Fullerton, California USA

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