Clutch Link

Attachments :
    The attached pic shows the problem with the clutch link on this 1929

    clutch assembly fitted into the 1926 car. From the flywheel back the only

    components that were not in the old rig are the pilot bearing, the recorked

    disc and the clutch cover gasket.

    Nonetheless, the link would not contract enough to take up the slack in

    the mechanism, so I crawled under to look up and make sure the throwout pilot

    bushing had not slipped out of place in the fork. Having satisfied myself

    that all was well, the link was removed to meet it's destiny with the bench


    Nobody on this list had raised an alarm when I first proposed this

    Draconian remedy, so with no fear of decayed teeth or impotence, the link's

    fate was sealed. It didn't occur to me to measure the length before and

    after, but something on the order of 3/8" was removed overall. The pedal now

    has a good 1" play before the initial slack is out, and another 1" or so

    before the pressure builds.

    The pedal feels like it stands a chance of releasing the clutch, but only

    a trial with a running motor will tell for sure. More material could easily

    have been removed to tighten up the action, but it seemed best to just remove

    the minimum and await test results.

    Paul O'Neil,

    Fullerton, California USA

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