Throttle Linkage

Attachments :
    After a fruitless search high and low for a usable 10-32 swivel

    connection, the only alternative seemed to be some sort of bodge. It would be

    necessary to make the 1/4-28 one that Restoration supply sells work with the

    stock 10-32 clevis end that takes the proper size pin to fit in the throttle

    cross shaft bellcrank.

    The local hardware store was tapped for a length of 1/4" steel round

    stock in a 3' long size. The round stock was cut to stock length with a

    hacksaw and the end was ground down by hand on the handy-dandy ole bench

    grinder. I used one of those useful little plastic nut and bolt sizers for a

    guide as to size. When the rod would just pass through the #10 hole, it

    turned out to be perfect for the threading die. Amazingly, threading went

    easily and I had to wonder why I had fretted so much about this job. Keeping

    the round stock moving and frequent checks helped the jod to go along


    Indeed, I relaxed so much that I didn't get the 1/4-28 die on straight on

    the other (easy) end and it cut the threads a little off center. Oh well, you

    won't tell anybody will you?

    The new throttle control rod fit like a factory job and needed only a

    small adjustment for length was needed. Unless you REALLY know these cars,

    there would really be no way to tell it is not a factory part. A pic of the

    ground end is attached.

    Paul O'Neil,

    Fullerton, California USA

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