Re: [HSS] 28 rear hub

Robert C. Harris wrote:

> I am having trouble getting the left rear hub (brake drum) off my 28.

> Is there a trick to it ?

> It's a wire wheel hub, I've removed the axle nut, but the hub won't

> budge.

> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Bob Harris Irving,

> Texas 972-253-1393


>Bob, you will need a puller to get this off. However, if you don't have one, loosen off the axle nut a complete turn, and put it back on with the split pin to stop it from coming any looser. Then drive around for a while cornering sharply to put some weight on the axle. If this doesn't work, then jack up the opposite side so all the weight is on the wheel you want to take off. Loosen the nut, and with either a hardwood block or a brass drift against the end of the axle, give it a hit with a 10 lb sledge hammer. Having the weight on gives it inertia. It will be a two man job, one to hold the brass drift, and the other to swing the hammer. Don't mess around with a light hammer, it won't work. Good luck,

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