1929 Hudson Town Sedan.

Further to Paul's comments re the '29 Town Sedans, there is a peculiar

anamoly in Hudson's Town sedan designation. These were produced by

Hudson themselves, with steel bodies, and by Briggs, with wood framed

bodies. The former had a larger side quarter-window, and longer body,

which overhung the chassis further at the back. The Briggs bodies were

wider, with larger windows than the Hudson bodies. The Hudson-bodied

Town sedans are extremely rare, and I have never seen one over this part

of the world, nor do I have any idea how many were made. I surmise

that not many, as they would have been so busy producing the Essex and

Standard Hudsons, that they then contracted out to Briggs to make the

Town sedans. The town sedan has a completely seperate section in the

Body Parts list for 1929, which covers only the Hudson body, not Briggs.

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