Head Torque

Attachments :
    After having run the '26 Hudson engine the week before, it seemed a good

    idea to check the head nuts again to see if there might be some movement.

    Boy, was there ever! All of the nuts were shy of the 50 lbs I had left them

    with, some began movement with as little as 30 showing on the wrench.

    After getting them all snugged down, I started the motor and warmed it up

    to a bit warmer than was comfortable to keep my hand on the water outlet

    pipe, then had at them again. This hot setting produced more movement yet!

    Next weekend I'll take it for a bit of a drive and get it thoroughly warm and

    check the nuts again. I gotta expect that the gasket will settle even more,

    but have to think we have got to be getting close to a permanent situation.
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