Shutter Control Rod

Attachments :
    The original shutter control rod on the '26 had been damaged and repaired

    by a smithy in a very course way at some point in the 75 year long life of

    this car. The rod was now too short and would not fully close the shutters,

    looked rough as hell and was crooked like a dog's hind leg.

    The front portion that engaged the shutter operating bellcrank had a

    special shape to fit in the restricted area in between the radiator and the

    shell, so a totally new fabrication seemed impractical with my limited

    skills. Some sort of bodge seemed in order!

    The front section was in nice shape and was cut off from the damaged

    section with a hacksaw and threaded 1/4-24. A new section of 1/4 mild steel

    round stock was measured, cut to length and threaded 1/4-24 on both ends, the

    instrument panel end getting something like 2 or 2 1/2" of threads to allow

    adjustment in the clevis end.

    The two sections were joined by a coupler nut with lock nuts holding

    everything snug. The completed assembly looks and works like new. The coupler

    nut gives the game away, but I hid it in plain view by painting it black to

    look like the rest of the operating rods.

    A pic is attached which also showing the completed oil pump control rod,

    fabricated from the dimensions Tony measured for me. Thanks Tony! Oh, the

    "bend" in the shutter control rod is in the camera's wide angle lens, not in

    the steel.

    Paul O'Neil,

    Fullerton, California USA

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