
Attachments :
    I have been working on and off the last six years on a '26 Hudson and

    just got the new motor running two weeks ago. With the big master electric

    switch out while the new handles are cast, the car is run on a jump wire with

    a total loss ignition. In this configuration, no electrical equipment works,

    no stop light, no horn, nothing but the motor itself powered by that little

    jump wire and alligator clips.

    Sunday, I ran the car for about two hours and drove it 35 miles at speeds

    up to 40 mph. With growing confidence, I ventured as far as Press and Janet

    Kale's place in neighboring Buena Park where the car gave it's only trouble

    of the trip when the jump wire used to power the ignition system packed up.

    Press fixed the wire and the motor started right up again.

    Initial impressions were that this car is big, heavy and slow. 30 - 35

    mph seemed a good cruising speed. Heat poured in though the cracks and holes

    in the floor boards and so did the noise. We'll need some work in this area.

    The front end, kingpins in particular, is loose as a goose. The brakes pull,

    grown and shudder, but hold for easy driving.

    Geoff Clark's recorked clutch worked like a dream; smooth as a babies

    bottom. It was so good, in fact, that I forgot I was even using it. Thanks

    Geoff, I think I need to order another one for the '29!

    I really hated to go back to the barn and end this lovely trip.

    Paul O'Neil,

    Fullerton, California USA

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