Oh - oh!

Attachments :
    I was feeling really elated about the day's drive until I got home,

    opened the hood and saw what may be a crack in the cylinder head. That put

    the kibosh on the high times PDQ! In the depression surrounding the #4 spark

    plug is a cylindrical bit the plug screws into. Between that bit and the

    botom of the depression, a black oily messed bubbled and oozed very slowly

    out. I have seen this before, but thought that I must have spilled something

    in the depression. Very little material has actually leaked, it might take

    several hours of running to build enough liquid to puddle.

    How in the world could black oily goo come out of there? There is no oil

    in the head is there? I do have a water soluable oil in the cooling system to

    prevent rust, but this is white.

    Well, we'll just have to see. I torqued the head again and will tighten

    the plugs before the next run. Maybe the problem will go away. They do

    sometimes. A poor pic is attached.

    Paul O'Neil, Hudson29@aol.com

    Fullerton, California USA

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