The Springs Stunning New 29 Hudson Coupe

Attachments :
    Oh, Perry & Kay Spring have owned this car a long while, something more

    than 30 years, but over the last 6 years or so, it has been transformed from

    a somewhat frumpy looking old dowager to a stunning young debutante. The car

    was on display last night in partially completed form, and even so, this '29

    is simply breathtaking.

    The car is a deep midnight black with a seemingly incongruous plum

    beltline. The window reveals are also to be painted plum also which will add

    more depth to the upper body area. Vermilion stripping to match the wheels

    will complete the color suite. These colors are original from the factory.

    It was very easy to gaze at the car and feel some of the "presence" that

    motivated so many buyers to make 1929 the best year Hudson ever had. I have

    posted a few pics to the Super Six List home page Files Section, Member's

    Cars Folder. For a shortcut, go to:


    and just click on the images you wish to view. This car will be done soon,

    and we'll get more pics then. A pic is attached to whet your appetite. Thanks

    to Kay & Perry for sharing this gem with us!

    Paul O'Neil,

    Fullerton, California USA

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