Chino Air Show Details

The Chino Airshow will be two days, October 6 & 7. As with last year,

there will be no lining up at 0dark30 for our display cars to be staged in.

Instead, we will have a handy gate for access and a very nice

front-and-center position to watch the action from. Display car drivers need

not stay with their cars but are free to wander the show as they please. The

organizers would like to see us all in by 10:00 A.M.

The admission is $10 and I will have discount coupons to distribute that

will save $2. Display cars may be left in place overnight, security will be

provided. This event is a fundraiser for the Air Museum and additional

donations are welcomed.

Some details about the show are not 100% settled, but mostly arrangements

will follow last year. This year's theme will be "Remembering Pearl Harbor"

and the aircraft types involved in the attack will be the featured highlights

of the show. The world's only authentic flying Mitsubishi A6M Zero, star of

the recent movie "Pearl Harbor" will fly alongside defending P-40s.

Many other WWII warbirds will be on hand and you can expect to see the

very best display of vintage airpower on the West Coast. Come early when the

ramp is open to the public and you will be able to photograph the planes

close up. The ramp is closed to the public by 10:00 A.M. so that the birds

may be fettled and preened for their workout.

There is something about these planes that is pure magic, more than the

mere sum of the parts, something approaching a lyrical majesty. These

airplanes were the best effort of the technological civilizations of their

time and no expense was spared in producing them then or restoring them now.

You want excitement? There is nothing to match these 2000+ hp monsters

blitzing along in a vertical bank a mere two wingspans from the earth and

sudden death. Don't forget the sounds! Has there ever been a lovelier, more

melodious sound in heaven or on earth that that of a Merlin at full chat? I

wouldn't miss it for all the Dusenbergs on earth.

Paul O'Neil,

Fullerton, California USA

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