1934 H8 Convertible in England

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Hi everyone I have a 34H8CV undergoing ground up restoration. Although I have 2/3rds rebuilt her, after 7 years I have decided to sell (decided to devote my time to my trucks and other Hudsons). Any ideas where would be best place to advertise for interested parties in the USA? I am HET member and will try WTN but wondered if there are any other good outlets/websites?

Happy New Year Everyone

Jerry Soames & Ruth Elmer.


  • Jerry: This forum is probably the most valuable fee free capability you have to sell a Hudson on the INTERNET.

    If I had a Hudson as rare and desirable car as you have I would do the following.

    1. Using a digital camera carefully detail the current condition and status of the vehicle.

    Post your pictures to this free Hudson Website with a short concise description of what is being shown.


    2. Catalogue and photograph all other parts not already applied to the vehicle. Place any pertinent parts photographs on the website too.

    3. Craft a clear and concise verbal description of the car and refer to your pictures to reinforce your description.

    4. Provide the potential seller with an idea of what logistics actions will be part of the purchase. E.g. Customs, shipping, packing and shipping the loose parts, Insurance, special taxes or hindrances (if any) which may be applied due to departure fees etc.

    5.Have a specific sale price firmly established.

    Then I would post an ad here with a teaser photograph.

    Good Luck
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Hemmings Motor News is always a good buy for the money, though of course you can't beat the targeted audience (Hudson owners only) and price (free!) of an ad in the WTN!
  • Hi, Am looking for a 1932 to 34 Hudson convertable and I`m in the UK. www.jdcornwalldev@aol.com
  • Huddy42
    Huddy42 Senior Contributor
    Hi to both of you from Les & Helen In Australia.

    Sorry to hear you are selling your 34-8cv, but if you have others to work on then all is not lost.

    Regards Les & Helen.P.
  • EssexAdv
    EssexAdv Expert Adviser, Member
    You con also post it on Classicar for sale section. http://classiccar.chooseyouritem.com/classics/
  • Unknown
    edited November 2013
    Grumpy wrote:
    Hmmm... You wouldn't have happened to buy a 1947 Hudson Pickup in the last 3-4 months, and had it transported to England, by any chance? Just curious - I made inquiries on a pickup a while ago, and was told that it had just been sold, was on its way there...

    Hi, Jerry here,

    No it wasn't me but I think I know the truck you are referring and have spoken with the new owner. If its the same truck, it came out of estate sale and had been 'upgraded' with Commodore 8 engine and trim.I am just about to take delivery of another 'baby' though, another '41 short bed C10 truck - the one that was on Ebay over Xmas in Minnesota. Right now though working on Ruth's 35 Terraplane bus. coupe, trying to get it on the road for Spring.
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