Early Racers

Peter/Jeff; There is a lot of information available through all of the


of people in the Greatrace about early racers, both original and some of


modifications that have been made for dependability. I am in contact with

these people on a reasonably consistent basis. All the people in the race

share an abundance of knowledge about the super six's and modifications

thereof, there is also a significant amount of parts and cars that exist

in this group. Much like the egroup, these people are more than happy to

assist anyone with a question and/or contacts for parts. Gary Kuck

'17 Indy Greatracer, '32 Indy 8cyl Racer.

-----Original Message-----


Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 12:15 PM

To: HudsonSuperSix16-29@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: [HSS] US Tragedy

Peter, several of us have discussed building an early racer like you are

doing. I look forward to seeing photos of your project in the future. Best


luck. Jeff

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