Essex Survivors - Afterward

Attachments :
    We had a nice ding dong about the mysterious absence of Essex Super Six

    survivors. A lot of folks offered opinions and Geoff Clark may have come up

    with the largest piece of the puzzle. ( He has yet to explain why so many

    have turned up quietly in NZ, however . . . ) These cars were geared LOW. A

    '29 Essex Coupe showed up at the All Cal Meet and I had a bit of a chat with

    it's owner, a very nice fellow who has owned it since the late 50s.

    He tours at Model T speeds, about 35 mph with occasional sprints up to

    40. Those speeds were feeble even by 1929 standards, and now can be

    positively dangerous without careful route planning and driving technique now.

    I suspect that most of these cars simply wore out and were not considered

    worth repairing. Those few that did survive are probably hanger queens,

    rarely brought out because the owners fear being run over by a Honda car with

    a teenage girl driving with a cell phone in her hand and her mind somewhere


    A pic of the '29 Essex Coupe at the All Cal Meet is attached.

    Paul O'Neil,

    Fullerton, California USA

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